Ing. Claudio Bocchini
“Orion aims to offer to professionals of the ice cream and pastry display cabinets that are the expression of aesthetic and technological performance.”
Every day, the team of engineers who are involved in research and development of the Orion brand products works to offer innovative solutions to its customers, following a path of change, but with the same passion that has lasted for over thirty years.
From the first ice cream cabinets built in 1980 to today’s industrial reality, Orion designs and manufactures refrigerated display cases and bar furniture for more than three decades. Always cutting-edge technology in professional refrigeration, Orion is now the reference point in the production of ice cream and pastry showcases: experience gained through years of evolving technology to meet the needs of its customers. Orion combines functionality and aesthetics to create the most reliable and technologically advanced products on the market.